Spiritual Immersion is a process of revealing the ever deeper and richer layers of our spirit-selves. This Spirit-Self resides within our human form and can only be fully known through direct, personal experience. Only through this direct experience can you explore, experiment and discover your truth and live that truth. Through these Podcasts we will gently immerse ourselves in the layers, the processes and the transformative experience of discovering our human-spirit. We cultivate a dynamic and awe-inspiring relationship with our selves. How great is that!

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Developing ourselves spiritually can be more challenging that anticipated. We are at choice as to how far and how fast we choose to engage this process. However, there are many opportunities to meet ourselves in ways we have yet to be prepared for.
The intention of this series, Spiritual Immersion: Taking the Plunge is to empower and support you to move at your own pace, navigating the path that is yours and only yours.
Listen in and then please share with me your perspective on my Facebook page!
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For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website: www.theparadigmshifts.com
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